Acupuncture for IBS, Digestive Health and Other Conditions
Acupuncture for IBS and other digestive conditions
Acupuncture can help with mild to moderate Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) symptoms such as:
- Abdominal pain and discomfort
- Cramping and excess wind
- Abdominal bloating
- Bouts of diarrhoea and / or constipation
A systematic review from 2022 concluded that acupuncture is beneficial for symptom severity and improves quality of life in IBS. They also noted that IBS is very sensitive to the placebo effect (it responds well to placebo) leading to difficulties in obtaining good quality data from double blinded trials.
Acupuncture for Other Conditions
Acupuncture for conditions such as:
- Cancer Support (alongside conventional treatment)
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Allergic Rhinitis
- Restless leg syndrome
- Bell’s palsy
- Hypertension (with medication)
There is good evidence for the effectiveness of acupuncture in the treatment or management of these conditions.
Islington Acupuncture:
Digestion & Other Conditions
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Acupuncture for IBS, chronic diarrhoea and constipation
What causes IBS and how does acupuncture help?
IBS is the most common bowel disorder, estimated to affect 15% of the general population. There are various factors leading people to develop this condition including; genetic predisposition, adverse childhood events, psychological factors and changes to the sensory nerves of the bowel. Under or over activity of the intestinal muscles can cause:
- Abdominal pain or discomfort
- Cramping and excess wind
- Bouts of diarrhoea and/or constipation
Acupuncture is known to effect nervous system regulation, thereby helping to reduce the impact of stress on the gut. This can reduce muscle contraction in the gut walls, leading to a reduction in bloating and pain.
What happens at my first session?
At our first consultation, we talk though your specific issues, and when they first started (often for many years on and off). We will take a detailed case history including other aspects of general health and well-being. We will make a note of any medication or supplements you are taking, and ask about your diet.
Once your acupuncturist has established your particular constitutional patterns, they will feedback how acupuncture might help, and give advice about diet based on Chinese dietary principles.
Depending on the root and severity of the bowel disruption, we might advise you to seek further help from a functional nutritionist or herbalist.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Carpal tunnel syndrome is caused by compression of the median nerve in the carpal tunnel at the wrist. Symptoms include:
- numbness,
- tingling and burning sensations
- a dull ache in the hand and fingers
- symptoms are usually worse at night.
It’s more common in women than in men, and can occur during pregnancy. Current standard treatment options are splinting, local corticosteroid injections and surgery.
Acupuncture for carpal tunnel syndrome
Research findings for the effects of acupuncture on mild to moderate carpal tunnel syndrome are encouraging as compared with steroid treatment and splinting.
During your first session your acupuncturist will take a detailed case history with the aim of working holistically. This involves looking at your general health and possible deeper causes of the problem in terms of Chinese medicine (e.g. fluid circulation), not simply treating pain at the wrist.
Find out more about Acupuncture for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS)
Acupuncture for Restless Leg Syndrome
A meta-analysis found that acupuncture was more effective than non-acupuncture therapies for the treatment and management of restless leg syndrome.
Restless leg syndrome (RLS) creates a feeling of discomfort in the legs and an urge to move them. It generally worsens at night and make it difficult to sleep.
Acupuncture can help improve sleep quality and the severity of RLS.
Acupuncture is safer than medications
Acupuncture can trigger the release of neuropeptides to relieve pain