Acupuncture for neck, shoulder, jaw and upper back pain
Acupuncture for neck, shoulder, jaw and upper back pain
- Chronic pain of the neck and upper back
- Stiff shoulders
- Jaw tension
- Hard to turn the neck
- Tension and pain in the upper back
Upper back and neck pain
A systematic review of high quality acupuncture trials considered data from over 20,000 patients, and found acupuncture to be effective in reducing the intensity of neck pain and upper back pain.
- Additionally the benefits of acupuncture for neck pain were maintained for up to 12 months after treatment.
- Acupuncture has also been found to relieve mental stress; often a contributing factor to neck and shoulder pain.
- Acupuncture was found to be safe, when administered by a properly trained practitioner adhering to safety codes outlined by the British Acupuncture Council.
We use a combination of acupressure, massage and acupuncture to identify and treat painful areas on the neck and back. There are several acupuncture channels connecting the neck, upper back and arms. We use specific trigger points along these channels that help to release muscle tension.
Acupuncture for Facial Pain / TMJ disorder
Chronic facial and jaw pain is often diagnosed as TMJ disorder or TMD (Temporomandibular dysfunction). It’s most common in people aged between 20 and 40. Treatment options include acupuncture, pain killers, bite guard, cognitive behavioural therapy, physiotherapy and surgery. Acupuncture has been found to be more effective than physiotherapy in reducing TMD symptoms in a number of trials (larger scale trials are hopefully underway).
TMJ disorder will present with one of more of these symptoms:
- difficulty in biting or chewing
- jaw pain or tenderness
- clicking or grating sound when opening or closing the mouth
- reduced ability to open or close the mouth
- a dull aching pain in the face
- dizziness or headache (particularly in the morning)
- neck and shoulder pain
- ear pain and hearing loss
Can acupuncture help with TMJ disorder?
TMJ disorder is a complex condition caused by physical and mental factors.
- Acupuncture works on local muscle and nerves releasing muscle contraction and promoting circulation.
- Acupuncture acts on areas of the brain known to reduce sensitivity to pain and stress.
- Acupuncture can affect the nervous system enabling better mental/ emotional balance.
- In some cases the TMJ disorder requires a multidisciplinary approach including surgery.
What happens in an acupuncture appointment?
At the start of your initial appointment we take a medical case history to find out about about your symptoms, as well as some general health questions. This enables us to assess whether the facial pain is associated with any other health patterns.
We use gentle palpation to identify which acupuncture channels are most affected.
The acupuncture treatment uses a combination of facial and distal points (mostly on the limbs). We use very fine needles and will always make sure that you are comfortable with the treatment.
For more information about the research visit this page of the British Acupuncture Council website.
Islington Acupuncture:
For Neck & Shoulder Pain
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