Acupuncture for Womens Health, Gynaecological & Menopause Symptoms
Women’s reproductive health conditions are characterised by hormonal variations, physical changes and fluctuating moods.
Acupuncture is a good choice of treatment for symptoms such as period pain, premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and menopausal symptoms because it can affect hormonal balance, and physical and psychological wellbeing.
Acupuncture for Period Pain, PMS & PCOS
- Period pains & related symptoms
- Endometriosis
- Heavy or irregular periods
- Premenstrual syndrome
- Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCO/PCOS)
Studies have shown that acupuncture for period pains can significantly reduce the severity and length of the symptoms around the menstrual cycle.
Find out more about acupuncture for period pain & gynaecological symptoms…
Acupuncture for Perimenopause and Menopause
Perimenopause lasts an average of 4 years before the final period:
- Heavy and or irregular periods
- Brain fog
- Mood swings – anxiety & low mood
- Pelvic and muscle pain
- Sleep disturbance and hot flushes
Menopause is 1 year after the final period:
- Insomnia and hot flushes
- Memory loss
- Skin dryness
- Weight gain
Islington Acupuncture:
For Period Pain & Menopause
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