Acupuncture for Weight Gain & Tiredness
Living with excess weight can be both physically and mentally exhausting. Diets often don’t work because they are not in tune with the way different bodies function.
Chinese medicine provides an alternative way of looking at weight gain because it sees each of us as a unique individual. We look at your patterns of health and ill health to assess the strengths and weaknesses of your digestive system and related organs.
Acupuncture for Weight Gain
- Dieting but not losing weight?
- Digestive issues but not sure why?
- Unpredictable bowel habit?
- Exercise can cause injury and pain?
Can acupuncture help with maintaining a healthy weight?
Acupuncture combined with Chinese dietary therapy can help to improve digestive function, and educate you to choose foods that are easier to digest and therefore give you more energy.
How Islington Acupuncture can help you to a healthy Weight
At our first consultation, we talk through your digestive and weight issues and identify what is concerning you.
Chinese dietary advice does not suggest complex exclusion diets, but helps to identify a way of eating and drinking that suits your particular body type or constitution.
Acupuncture supports dietary therapy by working to stimulate healthy digestion. Research has found that acupuncture can help to reduce cramping in the muscles of the gut wall, thereby promoting healthy peristalsis (gut movement). It can also reduce the over sensitivity of the gut to stress hormones, one of the causes of bloating and diarrhoea.
During our consultation, we can discuss your psychological relationship with food and consider the form of treatment that will support you and help you to reach your goal.
Islington Acupuncture:
For Weight Gain & Fatigue
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