Acupuncture for Back Pain & Backache
Acupuncture for the treatment of chronic lower back pain.
Acupuncture is a safe way to treat symptoms of back pain & backache:
- Chronic lower back stiffness and pain
- Pain over the hips and gluteal region
- Nerve pain running down the legs
- Pain that’s worse for cold and stillness
Can acupuncture help with back pain?
A systematic review of high quality acupuncture trials considered data from over 20,000 patients, and found acupuncture to be effective in reducing the intensity of back pain.
- Additionally the benefits of acupuncture for the reduction of pain were maintained for up to 12 months after treatment.
- Acupuncture has also been found to relieve mental stress; often a contributing factor to back pain.
- Acupuncture was found to be safe, when administered by a properly trained practitioner adhering to safety codes outlined by the British Acupuncture Council.
Acupuncture has been shown to stimulate nerves and connective tissue and areas of the brain associated with pain regulation. This can improve the body’s healing ability by stimulating production of natural painkilling chemicals and creating a feeling of relaxation and wellbeing.
Islington Acupuncture:
For Back Pain & Backache
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