Acupuncture for Stress, Anxiety & Depression
Chinese medicine works with the mind body balance. Since ancient times many acupuncture points have been listed as having both mental and physical effects.
What we refer to as stress, anxiety and depression are natural aspects of being human. Stress can help to motivate us, and at times we all feel joy, sadness and anger. When emotions are excessive over a period of time, or repressed and turned inward they can have a negative impact on our mental and physical health.
Researchers at the University of York found that regular weekly acupuncture treatments (over 10 weeks) produced benefits in reducing the severity of depression, and that these benefits were largely sustained for up to 12 months after treatment.
Acupuncture for Stress, Anxiety and Depression
Some symptoms associated with these conditions are:
- Overthinking and worry
- Feeling overwhelmed
- Difficulty concentrating
- Lethargy / over-tiredness
- Over eating and other addictive behaviours
- Sleep problems
- Digestive issues
- Palpitations and chest tightness
- Panic attacks and shallow breathing
- Irritability/ difficulty controlling emotions
- Muscle tension and headaches
- Frequent infections
- Skin conditions
Acupuncture for stress, anxiety and depression
According to the theory of acupuncture, the free flow of body energy (Qi) is seen as essential for good health. Prolonged exposure to extreme or intense situations, be they physical, mental, emotional or spiritual, can cause disruptions in this flow. These disturbances ripple through the whole system, sometimes causing symptoms in distant parts of the body. We all have our weak points and they differ between individuals. For one person it might be sleep, for another, skin or the digestive system.
During your initial consultation your acupuncturist will take time to ask you a range of questions about your physical and mental health. An acupuncturist’s skill lies in making sense of seemingly unconnected symptoms, then using acupuncture to promote the flow of Qi in such as way as help the body to find its own balance.
Your acupuncturist will give you feedback about how acupuncture might help and what kind of changes to look out for after treatment.
Islington Acupuncture:
For Stress & Anxiety
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