Male Fertility
Acupuncture for male fertility
Male fertility has declined by over 50% world-wide since the 1970s, causing the World Health Organisation to lower the definition of low sperm count. Male sub-fertility not only creates difficulty with conception but can also lead to frequent miscarriage and poor IVF outcomes.
When to have a sperm test?
Assessing male fertility early can have a huge impact on the fertility of a couple, and possibly reduce the need for IVF. When to test depends on your age and other factors. Some of the testing centres recommend testing after 6 months of unsuccessfully trying to conceive.
Which sperm test to choose?
The standard semen analysis assesses the production of good numbers of healthy, motile sperm in the ejaculate of good morphology (shape).
A DNA fragmentation test assesses the quality of the sperm at a genetic level. The job of each sperm is to deliver DNA to an egg, so it’s important information. Research has found that high levels of DNA fragmentation are associated with lower fertility and higher risk of miscarriage. Men with normal semen analyses can have high DNA fragmentation. This test is useful if a couple has experienced long term lack of conception or recurrent miscarriage, and is certainly useful before starting IVF.
Other useful tests include a pH test and white blood cell count (infection can impact fertility).
Can acupuncture enhance male fertility?
The good news is that male fertility can improve over a few months with acupuncture supported by lifestyle and dietary changes. Unlike eggs, sperm regenerates and therefore its potency can be enhanced by reducing stress, inflammation and infection.
Sperm is sensitive to heat and its DNA is susceptible to damage. Scientists have identified the effects of chronic stress, lifestyle factors and pollution as major factors in the decline of sperm potency.
- Acupuncture can play a key role in reducing local and systemic inflammation via modulation of the nervous system and enhancement of local circulation.
- Sperm DNA is damaged by heat: therefore, the anti-inflammatory effects of acupuncture can be helpful for sperm health.
- Chinese medical diagnosis can help to identify patterns of health imbalance that could be contributing to sub fertility.
- Studies indicate that after a course of acupuncture many clients report a reduction in their levels of stress and anxiety.
Islington Acupuncture:
For Male Fertility
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